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Cosmopolitanism in Urban Spaces: The Case of Odessa

Odessa, the most significant Hebrew centre in the second millennium

A joint online symposium of the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Program of Jewish-Russian literature, Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University

Roman Katsman (Bar-Ilan University):

Greetings and opening remarks

Session 1

Efraim Sicher (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev):

Time and space in Odessa cosmopolitanism

Maya Balakirsky Katz (Bar-Ilan University):

Freud in Odessa: Defending Russian fairy tales with Jewish science

Svetlana Natkovich (University of Haifa):

The economics of Odessa Jewish literature –from Sholom Aleichem to Ilf and Petrov


Session 2

Mirja Lecke (University of Regensburg, Germany):

Odessa literary modernism: the topos of the street

Ziva Shamir (Tel-Aviv University and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya):

Odessa, the most significant Hebrew centre in the second millennium

Elena Promyshlianski (Bar-Ilan University):

The Promised Land of Odessa: The City between myth and reality


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